The newest control feature for both three and five axis machines from Hurco is the skills gap buster shops need
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The newest control feature for both three and five axis machines from Hurco is the skills gap buster shops need. The 3D Import feature includes 3D DXF technology that now displays all CAD geometry, including splines and Z-depths. More... |
Go from “Solid to Part” with 3D Import
The newest control feature from Hurco bridges the skills gap to help machinists and shops be more productive and profitable. 3D Import features integrated CAD/CAM and tool path simulation. Also, there is no need to enter feature dimensions – simply click and cut. Transform Planes are created automatically for easy 5-sided conversation programming, with no data entry required. Hurco’s 3D Import feature also includes 3D DXF technology that will display all CAD geometry, including splines and Z-depths. More... |
EQUIPTOP: Provider of Top Equipment
In life, there are thriving businesses, and there are those that graduate to big time conglomerates. Here’s a story of Taiwan’s biggest high precision surface grinder manufacturer. A testament that will to inspire every business owner that any business with a great idea and even greater plans can make it big. Six engineering graduates with the same knowledge and ambition came together to create a machine tool manufacturing company like no other. More...
The smart future of metalworking
Digitalisation and networking are rapidly gaining ground in metalworking – and the same trend is also taking place in storage & sawing technologies. Manual and mutually-isolated processes are increasingly giving way to a continuously-controlled, intelligent material flow, in which all the components involved communicate autonomously with each other. In modern metalworking, machines, plants, goods and load carriers are connected via the Internet of Things. More...
High precision 5-sided manufacturing of large workpieces
Okuma sets standards with the new MCR-S (Super). In terms of accuracy, productivity and flexibilities, the new double column machining centre opens new possibilities for manufacturers. Combining several high-end features, the machine tool is perfectly suitable for machining press dies to the highest standards. The machine also unites subtractive and additive manufacturing methods allowing for process-intensive production. More...
Simplifying retention force measurement of machine tool spindles
BIG KAISER introduces the Dyna Force, a device for measuring the retention force of machine tool spindles. The retention force of a machine tool spindle is very important and needs to be checked regularly –potential problems may even result in serious damage to the machine. Regular measurement will reliably identify insufficient retention force of the spindle clamping mechanism that could lead to reduced rigidity and unwelcome vibrations. More...
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New circular saw provides perfect mass cutting performance
The new high-performance circular saw HCS 130 multifluid from Behringer Eisele provides perfect mass cutting performance. Impressive features include a new machine base and optimized chip disposal. When it comes to cutting of high alloyed heat resistant steels bigger than 1200 N/mm², the new HCS 130 MF has all the answers. It provides the ideal hybrid of proven saw technology coupled with a high degree of variability and adaptability. More...
New series of precision laser machines from Coherent
The first offering in Coherent’s new ExactSeries of fine materials processing equipment, ExactCut micromachining systems combine intelligence, integration, and interconnectivity for precision cutting of metals, alloys, sapphire, polycrystalline diamond (PCD), and ceramics. To significantly reduce integration and qualification time, ExactCut ships with pre-programmed process parameters for the desired application. More...